Tuesday, January 1, 2019

ARC Review: City of Ghosts


ARC Review: City of Ghosts 

 I read the book City Of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab. A teenage girl who usually spends the majority of her summer break at the beach in New York City, ends up having her plans changed by her parents. The family decides to take their trip to Scotland. Cass’s parents are filming a documentary about ghosts in Edinburgh, Scotland. The history and mystery of Edinburgh is haunting. Literally.
Cass has a best friend who is a ghost. His name is Jacob and Cass is the only one who can actually see him. Cass has a veil that can separate the living from the dead when she pulls it over her face. When Cass pulls the veil down over her face, she can enter the spirit world. Cass encounters many obstacles along her trip to Scotland. One of her many challenges is when she becomes trapped in the spirit world for a period of time.

I would recommend this book to anyone, but especially those who like paranormal activity and mystery.

Title: City of Ghosts
Author: Victoria Schwab
Publisher: Scholastic
Reviewed By: Joseph T. 

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