Friday, January 19, 2018

New to Our Shelves: Turtles All the Way Down

Turtles All the Way Down
by John Green
When the millionaire Russell Pickett goes missing before a trial the town worries and tries to find him.  There is a huge reward for finding Pickett.  Two teenage girls, Aza Holmes and her friend, Daisy are caught in Pickett’s yard trying to take security footage from one of the cameras.  One of Aza’a old friends, Davis Pickett (Russell’s son) saves them from the consequences of breaking and entering.  Davis and Aza’s friendship grows.  They start to discuss things revolving around the topic of Russell’s disappearance.  Davis does not want Aza to cook for him.  As a girl living in poverty, Aza needs the money.  She also needs to keep Davis’s trust.  Should she continue looking for Russell Pickett or should she help Davis by forgetting about his father.

My favorite character is probably Davis because he is calm and he copes well with stress and loss.  I love Davis’s blog.  The quotes he posts are so amazing and helpful.  Davis is a great role model to his younger brother.  He realizes his brother is suffering from their father's disappearance and Davis helps him cope with it.  

Fun Fact: John Green ( wrote this book based on himself and his suffering from OCD.  OCD is a disorder that makes you obsess over something, such as folding your trash, or in this case obsessing about a cut on your thumb and infection and c-diff and other diseases.  It may not seem like a big issue, but this thought never leaves the mind of the affected individual.  No matter how hard the person tries to escape this thought, it's nearly impossible.

Turtles all the Way Down is probably the best book I read this entire marking period!  I love it.  I know many people like Aza Holmes who suffer from OCD.  It is interesting following Aza's journey as sh pushes through her hardships and overcomes her fears.  This book teaches the true meaning of friendship.  I recommend this book to everybody!
Title: Turtles All the Way Down
Author: John Green
Published: Dutton Books
Released: October 10, 2017

Reviewed: Abigayle H.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle Q
    The book I just read is about the life of a women named Blima. It was 1941 and Blima, the main character was working at a bakery when her life changed. She was captured by the Nazis and during her time as a prisoner she worked a job sewing. To read about all the challenges the main character Blima faced, made the book interesting and one that I just kept wanting to read. Only 2 of her brothers and 1 sister was left after the war ended. The book was informative I learned a lot about the Holocaust that I did not know. The prisoners of the Nazis were treated very badly and I never knew how horrible the event was. I would like to read more about it.
