Sunday, January 21, 2018

ARC Review: More Than We Can Tell

More Than We Can Tell
by Brigid Kemmerer

More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer introduces readers to two of her main characters, Rev Fletcher and Emma Blue. Rev is overcoming his tragic, abusive past with the help of his adoptive parents. Everything is going well until he receives a letter from his abusive birth father. All of the recovery that he’s been working through goes down the drain all of because of the contents in this letter. Without telling his new parents, Rev struggles and battles through this life on his alone. At least for the most part.

Emma Blue is a young genius creating and designing video games that thousands of people begin playing. Because she’s a girl playing and making the video game, not all of the boys online are friendly to her. On top of all of the arguing she has to face daily online, she has to be there to see her mom and dad's marriage slowly dissolve into an arguing mess all of the time. They don’t realize it, but their fighting really hurts Emma. When Rev and Emma meet unexpectedly, the both instantly begin to spill their life troubles to each other. It makes the reader feel like they have known each other for years. Their friendship is really tested throughout the novel, seeing if their friendship can overcome the challenging obstacles life is throwing their way.

The 416 page novel by Brigid Kemmerer is an emotional, loveable story to read. Because I enjoyed the novel so much, I am giving it a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. Kemmerer did a good job of keeping me, the reader, engaged in this well-written story!

Title: More Than We Can Tell
Author: Brigid Kemmerer
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Release Date: March 6, 2018
Review by: Kiley R.

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